Welcome to the human-powered Knox experience.
We’re a community that does the hard, inspiring, sometimes bewildering daily work of making sense of the big picture.
We’re also a community that puts the big picture together. We’re on the ground in neighborhoods and organizations around the world, doing research, making connections, breaking down boundaries, building the future.
How to tell if you’re at Knox:
1. People shake your hand, look you in the eye, and welcome you here. Then they ask you if you know when Flunk Day is.
2. It feels busy but not chaotic, productive but not exclusively goal-oriented, philosophical but not pretentious, and friendly but not shallow. It feels like a place where good people do great work and don’t make a huge deal about it, because there is more great work to be done.
3. You’re surrounded by compelling human beings who do not think or act or dress in the way that you think or act or dress. And this feels inspiring.
4. You’re walking to a class and a student up ahead starts doing a little dance-and then finishes and keeps walking. Because this is a place where people a) feel joy and b) feel free to show it.
5. You feel a sense of history, of people having come here to discover something new about themselves and about the world. (You might even get the sense that this is a college that changes lives.) And you feel a sense of possibility, of what you might discover, of the history you might make, right now.