College and Community
Here are some quick facts about Illinois Central College:
- Founded in 1967 as a community college
- Serves all or parts of ten Central Illinois counties: Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Bureau, Logan, Marshall, Livingston, McLean, Stark, Mason
- Seventh largest community college district in Illinois in terms of square miles (2,322 square miles)
- Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
- Awards Associate in Arts degree, Associate in Science degree, Associate in General Studies degree, Associate in Engineering Sciences degree, Associate in Applied Science degree, and occupational Certificates
- Offers about 2,300 classes each fall and spring
- Average class size = 15
- Average age = 25
- ICC Educational Foundation awards more than 600 scholarships each year
- Nearly 70 percent of all credit student receive some form of financial aid
- Lowest tuition rate of colleges and universities in Central Illinois
- Roughly 180 full-time faculty and about 430 adjunct (part-time) faculty
The Community
Illinois Central College provides a coursework at a variety of locations: