Will Gonzalez has been with the City of Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office since 1996. His work as a community prosecutor has produced the largest court fine in the City of Phoenix Municipal Court’s history against a slumlord in the amount of $377,500. In his assigned neighborhood of Palomino, Mr. Gonzalez assisted in developing a business alliance, inter-faith coalition, block watch and a neighborhood revitalization committee whose strategy brought about a $3.6 million Boys & Girls Club facility for the community.
He has assisted other prosecutors, school districts and cities in developing community strategies for their neighborhoods, and has presented at state and regional conferences for the Arizona Department of Education, the State Bar of Arizona and the Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys’ Advisory Council. He has also presented at national conferences for the Department of Justice, the National District Attorney Association and the National Organization for Victim Assistance.
Mr. Gonzalez is a two-time recipient of the City of Phoenix Excellence Award, an active member of the Latino Institute and founding member of the Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court Task Force. He is also a member on the Vision Team for the Arizona Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers. He serves as chairman for the Community Board of Directors for GCU and also teaches for the Colangelo College of Business. He is also the co-chair for the Paradise Valley Community College President Circle for the Maricopa County Community College District. He attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston, TX, where he obtained his Juris Doctor. He is also a graduate of GCU’s business college, obtaining a Master of Science in Leadership, and he attended the Thunderbird School of Global Management, obtaining a Certificate in Global Leadership.