Experience the caring community in the classroom, at the dinner table, in the residence halls and on the sports teams. Extend your circle of support with a host family should your home be outside of Kansas. Join a community of students and employees who regularly practice an attitude of service, caring for each other when needs arise. Engage in meaningful discussions with fellow students as well as faculty, perhaps collaborating in their research.
Experience the commitment of the Bethel community to helping you discover your own goodness so that you might grow in intellect, character and spirit, becoming your best self – just as threshers helped the Mennonite pioneers free life-giving kernels of wheat from their dry outer husks.
Explore choices and determine life commitments without a particular religious perspective required, though Bethel’s Mennonite heritage will shape how you will experience faith and community on campus.
You’ll call the college president by first name and have access to the administrative cabinet who has been entrusted by the independent corporation and board to keep the best interests of the college and its students in mind as they make daily decisions aligned with the mission and values of the institution.